Good Carbs: Are unrefined and they exist in nature. They provide along with vitamin, minerals, proteins and fats nutrients that support our body.
Bad Carbs: Are refined and are man made mixtures. These may give you a quick fix/buzz but are hostile to life due to the fact they are stripped of their nutrients and are usually loaded with harmful ingredients.
The two classifications of Carbs are Simple Carbs and Complex Carbs. Here is a little chart showing some examples of the Refined and Unrefined Carbs in both the classifications.
Starch+Fiber+Sugar Starch+Fiber+Sugars
Refined Unrefined Refined Unrefined
White Sugar Fruit Bread Vegetables
Fruit Juice Raw Honey White Rice Legumes
Corn Syrup Maple Syrup Pasta Dried Beans
Freshly Squeezed Juices Chips Brown Rice
(Properly Prepared)Whole Grains
About 40% of your daily calorie intake should be UNREFINED mostly COMPLEX carbohydrates. If you can select organic, local and seasonal products whenever possible that is even better.
The roles carbohydrates have in the body are great to know so you can understand why you need them and teach your friends, kids and family why it's so important they eat their broccoli ;).
Roles Carbohydrates play in the body:
-They provide fuel for the brain
-Are a quick source of energy
-Help regulate protein and fat metabolism
-Provide a source of fiber, which helps with regular elimination of waste materials
-Along with proteins and fats Carbohydrates also help; fight infections, promote growth of body tissues such as bones and skin
-They also help lubricate the joints
So next time you have a meal make sure you're getting some delicious GOOD carbs and just know that your body will thank you!