Hi everyone!! My name is Marisa Magistro (Reese) (yep that's me with the awkward head tilt) and this is my first blog....eeek... :) This blog is going to primarily be about Nutrition and the benefits it has on the systems of our body from the inside out as well as our overall health and outlook on life. I'm new at this but am passionate about health and feel everyone should have an opportunity to be educated about what our bodies need to thrive so we can live our fullest happiest lives.
Just a little about me, I am a Colon Hydrotherapist and a soon to be Nutritional Therapist Counselor. I haven't always been interested in health in fact there was a time where I could've cared less about it. I thought having a candy bar and dessert every day was normal. I thought my anxiety and panic attacks were just mental issues I was going to have to deal with the rest of my life, never did I think a healthier diet and lifestyle change would get rid of them so quick. I know without a doubt in my heart that what we put in our bodies directly effects the rest of our lives, how we cope with stress, how our bodies look and feel...etc...etc.
In our day and age we connect online so much I really want to be able to start a community where we can give/get ideas about health, recipes, stories, motivation, encouragement, and be here for each other in a way that maybe others can't if they're just not on the same path. I would love to hear feedback from you all and any topics you would like to talk about. I know this will be just as much of a learning experience for me as I hope it is for you. So please come on this journey with me, learn with me, teach me, and maybe even learn a little something from me. :) Thank you for taking the time to read this and I do hope you follow my blog. Happy Health to you ALL!!